"Fauzia Burke has been on the web promoting books from the very beginning, and I have consistently admired her perfect balance of creativity with practicality. She knows exactly what kinds of web promotion will drive book sales, and doesn't waste your time or money with distractions. She gets results, and is also a pleasure to work with." — Madeline McIntosh, CEO Penguin Random House U.S"Thank you for an amazing job. When I look at the list of things you've accomplished in such a short time, I'm not just impressed -– I'm astonished. You've helped the book find its audience, which is exactly what I'd hoped for. Like a little boat on the vast sea of the Internet, you've helped pilot this small Web site right to people who might be most interested in seeing it come over their horizon. It's been a pleasure working with you, not only because you were fun to work with, but also because you delivered more than I imagined was possible." — Alan Alda, Award-Winning Actor, Director, and Bestselling Author
"FSB is the premier internet book marketing firm. They consistently get our titles placed visibly and effectively. I recommend them highly and enthusiastically." — 十大流氓软件都有哪些-ZOL问答:4条回答:【推荐答案】上网新手千万不要下载安装下列软件流氓软件是指具有一定的实用价值但具备电脑病毒和黑客软件的部分特征的软件;它处在合法软件和电脑病毒之间的灰色地带,同样极大地侵害着电脑用户的权益。广大网友一直深受其害,对之深恶痛绝。
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“In her book, Burke takes authors through the process of identifying their unique personal brand, defining their audience, clarifying their aspirations and goals and setting priorities. Once that foundation is established, she walks them through the process of developing a personalized, sustainable long-term online marketing plan. She offers advice on designing a successful website, building a mailing list of superfans, blogging, creating an engagement strategy for social media and much more.” – Forbes